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"It's okay" or how to live longer

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Blood sugar and COVID-19

Reading time7 min
Novel pandemic is very new for science, often it takes years before scientists prove connection of risk factors and replicate their findings in experimental setups, but it is not the case to wait. I have been observing different facts about COVID-19 and propose “Hypothesis for connection between blood sugar levels and infection”. The only reason I do this now with so many controversies is that I genuinely believe it can save lives. Lives of my friends, and their relatives.

In the article below I summarise my knowledge on infection and immunity, back it up by links to COVID observations of doctors and scientific papers.
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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Research in rejuvenation biotechnology – where are we now?

Reading time2 min

Certainly this event is an example of some of the people in our longevity community coming in and just taking over a little bit of somebody else's conference to talk about longevity… but really exposing the rest of the community to it. I'm finding that at every event I go to, I'd really love to have conference presentations where I get to talk about some interesting thing about the longevity industry, because there are a lot of really interesting things going on.

But every presentation turns out to be «hey, we exist, please notice us — because this is really, really important.» Everything that you guys think that you are doing in medicine is about to be up-ended, because suddenly we're going to be actually able to stop people from getting sick and incapacitated and debilitated in old age. This is happening right now, the first rejuvenation therapies exist. But nobody notices.
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Total votes 4: ↑3 and ↓1+5

COVID YAAA! or Yet Another Analyze Attempt

Reading time11 min


Hello, Habr!

About a month ago, I had a feeling of constant anxiety. I began to eat poorly, sleep even worse, and constantly read to a ton of news about the pandemic. Based on them, the coronavirus either captured, or liberated our planet, was either a conspiracy of world governments, or the vengeance of the pangolin, the virus either threatened everyone at once, or personally me and my sleeping cat…

Hundreds of articles, social media posts, youtube-telegram-instagram-tik-tok (yes, I sin) content of varying degrees of content quality did not lead me to anything but an even greater sense of anxiety.

But one day I bought buckwheat decided to end it all. As soon as possible!

What did you do?
Total votes 1: ↑0 and ↓1-1

How HealthTech Startups Are Leveraging Tech To Combat COVID19?

Reading time4 min
Source: Google Images

The world has taken aback through the global pandemic of Novel Coronavirus or Covid19. With the spontaneous outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic worldwide, most of us are self-quarantined and taking precautionary measures. The situation is further amplified with an ongoing economic slowdown.

However, our healthcare industries, startups and front-line medical professionals & staff haven't taken a step back in dealing with the pandemic through innovative healthcare measures that can effectively combat and procure ailing patients from Coronavirus outbreak.
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Total votes 4: ↑2 and ↓20

Everything you always wanted to know about human memory (but were afraid to ask)

Reading time5 min
Having a good memory is advantageous, even as people stay home amidst the pandemic. Our memories help us maintain an intellectual connection to the world, and keep us from mentally deteriorating.

Today, we’re launching a new series of articles on memory enhancement, starting with a short overview of how our memory works and the basic training you can undergo to improve it.

Total votes 7: ↑7 and ↓0+7

Turns out internet businesses are sustainable during pandemics. Why? Home Office DNA

Reading time5 min
“In 1665, Cambridge University closed because of the plague. Issac Newton decided to work from home. He discovered calculus & the laws of motion.”

We live in a truly remarkable moment. With the year 2020 and the COVID-19 outbreak employees all over the world are staying home for quarantine, trying their best to sustain the normal flow of life, which means continue working. And this is something new compared to all the previous infectious pandemics humanity has survived through — this time we have the Internet.

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Total votes 11: ↑10 and ↓1+19

Novel Coronavirus nCOV/2019-nCoV/NCP/COVID19: Forecasts, Statistics, Protection, News,[4th reprint, 06.03|

Reading time108 min

Translated by authorNovel Coronavirus nCOV/2019-nCoV/NCP/COVID19: Forecasts, Statistics, Protection, News, World: ~2500 [4th reprint, 28.02]



In Chinese

Incomplete data from December 31 to February 19

imageIncomplete data for the entire period

New news
Updated Charts for 2019-nCov

I started creating my own site, everything new will be on it.

Total votes 7: ↑2 and ↓5-1

Top 20 Apps that a Healthcare Provider can't Miss

Reading time7 min
  • Are you searching for the best healthcare apps?
  • Want to use a healthcare app that is best in features and functioning?
  • Looking for the best app for healthcare providers?

Here, in this blog, you will get answers to all such questions. Let’s start with some stats and facts related to apps for healthcare providers.

  1. The mHealth technology market is predicted to grow by 33% to USD 60 bn by 2020 (Marketsandmarkets)
  2. 93% of physicians find value having a mobile health app connected to Emergency Health Services. (Great call)
  3. 70% of surveyed doctors use mobile devices in 2016 to manage in-patient data, up from just 8% in 2013 (Black Book Market Research)

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The Flight with a Dosimeter in the Pocket

Reading time3 min

The developer of personal dosimeters presented me with an interesting gift at one of Skolovo conferences in early 2011. It was a funny DO-RA gadget made in the form of an Easter egg and packed in a large cardboard box like a smartphone. Apparently, its designers new that their boss Viktor Vekselberg, chairman of the Skolkovo Foundation, was fond of Faberge eggs. They made a plastic copy of the famous Easter gift of the Russian Imperial Court.

I found a dusty box with the DO-RA gadget just before a business trip to the United Arab Emirates. The device had no battery and was connected to Apple smartphones via a standard audio jack. It is worth noting that, starting with the 7th iPhone model, the Apple Inc. no longer releases smartphones with an audio jack considering it an anachronism. However, the abandonment of the quite utilitarian interface such as audio jack coincided with the release of expensive Airpod earphones. Well, it's their business to earn money on all sorts of restrictions.
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Total votes 6: ↑2 and ↓4+1


Reading time2 min
What one gets easily and for free can be a real struggle for others — these are the thoughts every letter of the «Dobroshrift» [Kindness Font] evolves. It was developed for the World Cerebral Palsy Day with the participation of children with this diagnosis. So we decided to take part in this charity action and changed the website logo till the end of the day.

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Total votes 17: ↑17 and ↓0+17

Finally, rejuvenation is a thing

Reading time6 min


What is ageing? We can define ageing as a process of accumulation of the damage which is just a side-effect of normal metabolism. While researchers still poorly understand how metabolic processes cause damage accumulation, and how accumulated damage causes pathology, the damage itself – the structural difference between old tissue and young tissue – is categorized and understood pretty well. By repairing damage and restoring the previous undamaged – young – state of an organism, we can really rejuvenate it! It sounds very promising, and so it is. And for some types of damage (for example, for senescent cells) it is already proved to work!

Today in our virtual studio, somewhere between cold, rainy Saint-Petersburg and warm, sunny Mountain View, we meet Aubrey de Grey, again! For those of you who are not familiar with him, here is a brief introduction.
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Total votes 17: ↑14 and ↓3+11

indibiome labs

Reading time4 min
I would like to share main points of my Skolkovo application for Startup Village 2019 pitch.

Indibiome labs


Project Executive Summary indicating current developments and basic goals of the Project

Indibiome labs for kids are franchise network food labs providing safe environment where kids (13+) will learn how to analyse the food content and study influence of foods on health and will spread this knowledge through social networks, therefore educating other kids and adults in the field of healthy nutrition.

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Total votes 13: ↑13 and ↓0+13

Indibiome is the new black

Reading time7 min
Indibiome is the new black, following the steps of electric and computer engineering industries, we are foreseeing indibiome design bureaus able to solve unmet needs in healthcare, agriculture, food production, industrial applications.

Indibiome is discussed in my previous paper in Russian (link). Shortly indibiome is indigenous microbiome, like indigenous people, term is used below in the meaning «inherent to the media, localised and optimised for sustainable existence»).

Microbes have always been there, however technologies allowing efficient microbes manipulation and accumulated genetic and experimental data on variety of microbial communities has been on the rise only last decade. Below is my concept of interdisciplinary «indibiome bureau» and you are most welcome to give feedback.
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Total votes 14: ↑13 and ↓1+12