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Real-time Chat Solutions vs Chat Platforms — Make Your Choice

Reading time4 min
It’s More Than You Imagine…

The possibility of acquiring more profit through a chat app solution is gaining popularity than adopting to monthly plans based chat platforms

With the rise of instant conversation among the users, it's not surprising that the global mobile messaging app is estimated to reach around 2.1 billion active users by 2020. When the communication lies as the significant action in nature, then in fact the underlying tool “messaging application” also acquires the same importance. Thus, every chat platforms like WhatsApp demand a great market value according to the features and functionalities listed. Most of the business professionals and enterprises are urged to rely on subscription-based plans to avail such messaging platform.
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Total votes 22: ↑21 and ↓1+20

List of Software Used for Embroidery Digitizing

Reading time5 min
Embroidery can be a great way to personalize your clothing. You can add your name or the logo of your business. To make the process easier, many embroidery machines work with computer software. This allows you to create the design, then transfer it to the embroidery machine. By doing this, you’ll be able to automate the process. This will reduce the time it takes to produce beautiful designs.
Because of these benefits, there is a range of software options for you to choose from. This gives you a lot of choices to consider when picking what you want to use. But it can make finding the right one more challenging. Let’s look at some of the best software options to consider.


If you’re looking for a leading type of software, you can try Hatch. This is based on three decades of experience. It also has a lot of innovative features that make it easy to use. First, it automatically assigns things like stitch length and placement, to suit the design you create. It also has an automatic branching function, so you’ll be able to sew continuously, rather than in stops and starts.
This software also comes with a lot of tools that are designed to make it easy for you to transform the design onto the computer. For example, you’ll be able to put a hand-drawn sketch into the software. You can also download one of the many existing designs. By doing this, it will be easy for you to create innovative embroidery designs. There are multiple levels, so you’ll only need to pay for the features that you find the most useful.
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Total votes 24: ↑18 and ↓6+12

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