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Don't spoil Desktop Software Engineers with your Mobile First solutions, think about it

Reading time4 min


English translation of Philip Ranzim's post at his blog page here. (With author's permission)

Once upon a time, my girlfriend started using Instagram. She asked me to sign up for it and subscribe to it. I tried — I couldn't do it because you couldn't register at Instagram from a desktop computer. I then thought — how weird people are. Well, what kind of fool would make a software product that can't be used with a normal computer? They won't succeed, and this Instagram will be a marginal service for a bunch of strange women, who for some reason don't like desktops.

It has only been a few years, the market has put everything in place — and the biggest fool was me. And the geniuses at Instagram predicted how and where everything would develop. Today, most of the user applications are made primarily for mobile platforms. At best, they include a universal web client, which is still optimized for mobile phones. Because users love iPhones, not computers. Business people sat down, counted, and made a decision — let's make more money, let's have mobile First everywhere.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

Most Popular Computer Problems We Are Facing Everyday

Reading time2 min
In today’s contemporary world the private computer has become a staple of daily life.
Even those few persons who don't use computers in their daily work life can possibly have access to a computer on that they perform alternative necessary tasks.

With all of the access to info that computers permit and with all of the work they will facilitate a personal perform, this trend of a computer in every home and in each workplace of business isn't shocking.

But what may be shocking, and downright aggravating, is when the computer you are working on suddenly shuts off, goes blank, or explodes in the dreaded blue screen of death.

These and other common computer problems are among the most frequently occurring issues that one might experience with their computers.

The following may be a list of 5 common Computer issues and what may be done to mend them.
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Total votes 18: ↑12 and ↓6+6