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Open source, object-oriented, component-based MVC PHP web application framework

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Yii news 2020, issue 5

Reading time4 min

Hello, community!

It is time for another Yii news issue. Both Yii 2 and Yii 3 are doing well.

I've finally updated the team page on the website to reflect the current state of things.

Konstantin Sirotkin is back and actively taking care of ElasticSearch Yii 2 extension.

Yii 3 main team was formed (actually happened late 2019). Likely you know the names because most were mentioned in previous Yii news issues.

Also, we have partially moved to GitHub actions. Experience is great so far, so we can definitely recommend that. We're adding phan static analysis
and running tests with Infection to make code quality even better.

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Total votes 3: ↑3 and ↓0+3

PHP Microservice Framework: Development Environment for Swoft

Reading time3 min


What is Swoft?

Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php. It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM. There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.

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PHP Microservice Framework Swoft: Use Database Part 1

Reading time2 min

This article we are going to learn is: How to install and run the Swoft database.

This article is one of a series of articles on the Swoft Database ORM. Let's learn about Swoft!

What is Swoft?

Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php.

It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM.

There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.

Through three years of accumulation and direction exploration, Swoft has made Swoft the Spring Cloud in the PHP world, which is the best choice for PHP's high-performance framework and microservices management.

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Total votes 7: ↑4 and ↓3+1

PHP Microservice Framework Swoft: WebSocket Server Part 1

Reading time2 min

This article we are going to learn is: How to install and run the swoft websocket server.

This article is one of a series of articles on the Swoft WebSocket Server. Let's learn about Swoft!

What is Swoft?

Swoft is a PHP high performance microservice coroutine framework. It has been published for many years and has become the best choice for php.

It can be like Go, built-in coroutine web server and common coroutine client and is resident in memory, independent of traditional PHP-FPM.

There are similar Go language operations, similar to the Spring Cloud framework flexible annotations.

Through three years of accumulation and direction exploration, Swoft has made Swoft the Spring Cloud in the PHP world, which is the best choice for PHP's high-performance framework and microservices management.


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Total votes 14: ↑10 and ↓4+6

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