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Alex Sam @Alexsam986read⁠-⁠only

Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer

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Mēris botnet, climbing to the record

Reading time7 min


For the last five years, there have virtually been almost no global-scale application-layer attacks.

During this period, the industry has learned how to cope with the high bandwidth network layer attacks, including amplification-based ones. It does not mean that botnets are now harmless.

End of June 2021, Qrator Labs started to see signs of a new assaulting force on the Internet – a botnet of a new kind. That is a joint research we conducted together with Yandex to elaborate on the specifics of the DDoS attacks enabler emerging in almost real-time.

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Who controls App Store: Martians or AI? Closed session of Russia's Federation Council and Apple leaked online

Reading time2 min

Video recording of a closed session of the upper house of Russia's parliament was leaked online by Telegram channel A000MP97. In the video, Andrei Klimov, head of the Ad Hoc Sovereignty and Preventing Interference in the Domestic Affairs Commission, demands Apple to disclose who controls the App Store: people from Mars or artificial intelligence?

On September 16th, a closed session of the Commission took place, and representatives of Apple and Google were among those who were invited. The session discussed ways to protect sovereignty of the country, in particular, the fact that the Navalny app was still available in Apple App Store and Google Play. The services were accused of being complicit with organisations deemed extremist and banned in Russia as well as interference with Russian elections.
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Total votes 17: ↑17 and ↓0+17

Re-checking PascalABC.NET

Reading time8 min

Welcome all fans of clean code! Today we analyze the PascalABC.NET project. In 2017, we already found errors in this project. We used two static analysis tools (more precisely, plugins for SonarQube): SonarC# and PVS-Studio. Today, we analyze this project with the latest version of the PVS-Studio analyzer for C#. Let's see what errors we can find today, especially when our analyzer has become more advanced and got new features: it can find more exquisite errors and potential vulnerabilities.


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Total votes 2: ↑1 and ↓1+1

9 Ways to Fuel Up the Mobile App Developer’s Efficiency

Reading time5 min

In general, the productivity of coding superheroes is measured by the number of lines of code and the quality of the code they write. It means, when the developer churns out the output compared to input, they are declared as productive. Presently, every company wants a productive programmer to accelerate time-to-market and enrich mobile app user’s experience that helps them stand ahead of the competitors.

Alas! All the developers are not productive. Most of them, pull their hairs when the deadline is around the corner, when finding the source of bugs seems a hard nut to crack in, or when the client is complaining about the features not meeting the business needs. The reason behind for not performing to the peak efficiency is they work hard, but not smartly.

The developer’s productivity can be augmented when they work prudently, make the most out of the time, and incorporate the best practices.
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Total votes 12: ↑11 and ↓1+10


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